Organic Body Butter Benefits For Dry Skin

by | Aug 17, 2022

Ever wondered what feels so good but yet so bad? Scratching an itchy skin. Yes, you read that right.

 We all have at one point enjoyed a satisfying scratch only to leave our skin looking scarred. 

While you might get temporary relief, the itching never stops, and the scratching continues. Still trying to figure out where I am going with this. 

Here’s where body butter comes in.

Body butter’s anti-inflammatory properties, such as the Exodus Bath and Body Sea Salts, help soothe and relieve itching. It also stimulates cytokines and other inflammatory cells to ease their production when applied to the skin. 

The impact of this is that it will help reduce irritation caused by environmental factors such as dry weather and also other skin conditions such as eczema. 

However, this is just one of the numerous benefits of body butter for dry skin. I can bet you are itching for more.

 But before we delve further into other benefits of body butter for dry skin, let’s take a quick peek into the creamy world of body butter. 


What is Body Butter? 

Body butter is an extremely hydrating skin moisturizer. It is a thick cream generally made from shea butter, cocoa butter, and mango butter.

You might find body butter infused with essential oils for extra skin pampering. 

Unlike lotions, body butter is thicker and more enriching. If you are thinking of adding body butter to your skincare routine, I suggest you go organic. 

Why Organic? 

With organic butter, you are certain that the ingredients on the label are the same as what is in the product. You surely do not have to worry about the product’s hidden chemicals, artificial fragrances, and GMOs. 

You can check out Organic memory’s range of natural skincare products for the best body butter for glowing skin products on the market today. 

Benefits of Body Butter for Dry Skin

Now that we have a clear picture of what body butter is and why you should go organic, let’s get to the more exciting part of body butter: its benefits for dry skin. 

Moisturizes the skin 

Because of its unique skin formula of body butter, it can protect your skin from dryness and aid in the recovery of rough or dry skin. Body butter is a natural moisturizer that nourishes your skin from the inside.

Smoothes dry skin

Likewise, body butter helps to soften the dry skin layers to make them smooth. If you are sick of having rough patches on your elbows, knees, and feet, consider using Abraham’s Organic Body Butter to smooth out your dry skin. 

Serves as a moisture barrier 

Aside from smoothing out dry skin, body butter is known for forming a protective layer on your skin that seals in moisture. It shields the skin from natural elements and keeps it from becoming dry and itchy. 

Helps to soothe the skin 

Additionally, body butter helps to soothe irritated skin caused by shaving, waxing, or dryness. It is a natural skin healer packed with pure nuts and oils. Body butter can soothe inflammation while leaving your skin silky and smooth. 

Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines 

Besides its soothing capabilities, body butter can prevent fine lines and wrinkles on dry skin. Massaging your body with body butter penetrates the skin deeply and revitalizes it, revealing your younger appearance.
The thick consistency of body butter softens your skin and is ideal for skin care during winter.

How Do You Apply Body Butter for Dry Skin? 

More importantly, you must know how and when to use body butter for effective results. Because the primary purpose of body butter is to nourish your skin, the best time to apply body butter is when your skin is damp. 

So as soon as you step out of the bath, wipe your skin dry, take a handful of body buttercream in your palms and gently massage it all over your body until it is absorbed. 

Take note of rough patches and make sure your skin is still moist. 

Bottom line

Body butter stays in the skin for long periods, so you must look out for a product that is not only natural but chemical-free. 

Check out Organic memory’s range of organic wellness essentials, including Exodus Bath & Body Sea Salts to achieve that flawless skin. 

Our natural skincare products are safe and infused with the finest ingredients nature has got to offer.


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