Choosing Between Natural and Synthetic Skincare Products

by | Nov 3, 2022

Whenever you’re searching for the best body care essentials among hundreds and thousands of products displayed in an aisle or an online store, what products catch your eyes the most? The ones labeled “natural”, “organic” or “safe” right?

But, why? Think about it. Perhaps you are aware of the recent hype of products labeled “Synthetic-free skincare essentials”, but, are they really worth the hype? 

Well, you’re about to know. In this article, we will discuss natural vs synthetic skincare products and after reading, you will be able to decide the better product between the two alternatives.

What Are Synthetic Skincare Products?

Synthetic skincare products are products that contain chemicals that are synthesized in the laboratory.

Usually, these chemicals such as toluene, paraben, oxybenzone, phthalates, artificial fragrance, and others have similar potentials to their natural analogs.

These synthetic chemicals have the ability to accumulate in the body and may be hazardous to health. Also, synthetic skincare products that contain heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury can be carcinogenic. These metals can also have a negative impact on the environment.

There is an increasing evidence that certain chemicals in synthetic skincare products are linked to many health problems such as cancer, infertility, reproductive issues, and miscarriages. 

As awareness about the negative effects of synthetic skincare products increases, people are demanding more natural beauty products.

Nevertheless, don’t be quick to avoid a product whenever you hear or see that it contains chemicals. Chemicals are unavoidable and not all chemicals are bad. Do you know that water itself is a chemical substance? So, you don’t need to completely avoid products with harmless chemical ingredients.

But, what about natural organic beauty products in Chicago? Let’s find out.

What Are Natural Skincare Products?

Natural skincare products are beauty products that contain natural ingredients extracted from plants. They are highly potent and risk-free.

Usually, natural skincare products contain ingredients such as Aloe Vera, Almond, Argan, Avocado, Black seed, Coconut, Grape Seed, Hemp Seed, Jojoba, Moringa, Rose Hip Seed, and extracts from tea tree. 

They contain nature’s powerful immune building nutrients, including Vitamin E and other natural ingredients, that are light and not hazardous to the skin.

Synthetic-free skincare essentials are formulated to replenish key minerals into your body, thus they oxygenate, moisturize, and enhance the growth of your skin cells for optimal health.

Natural vs Synthetic Skincare Products

Although Natural skincare products may come pricier than the synthetic analogs, the benefits they offer makes them worth adding to one’s routine.

These synthetic-free skincare essentials are safe to use. Well, let’s walk through the comparison between the two products.

Moisturizing Effects

Natural skincare products such as Soul Body oil and Abraham’s Organic Body Butter have the ability to oxygenate, moisturize, and preserve your skin especially from harmful UV rays coming down from the sun.

When your skin is free from dryness, the growth of new skin cells is stimulated. Thus, natural skincare essentials can help in restoring your skin’s natural elasticity.

Skin Irritation

Chemicals used for formulating synthetic skincare products can cause irritation and allergies to your skin. In contrast, natural and organic skincare essentials do not cause irritation to the skin, saving you from skin damage.

Therapeutic and Antimicrobial Properties

Natural skincare essentials like LOVE Skin Cleanser and External Massage Oils can help you in treating acne, skin allergies, scalp irritations, and other bacterial infections. These properties are absent in most of the synthetic skincare products you will see in the market.

Natural skincare essentials can also enhance the mobility of your joints and muscles by rejuvenating these parts and relaxing your nervous system.


If you want to save the environment while giving your skin a natural treat, then use organic skincare products. 

Natural skincare essentials are more eco-friendly compared to synthetic products. They have no negative impact on the environment, unlike synthetic skincare products that contain toxins such as heavy metals that have damaging effects on the environment.

In addition, natural skincare products contain biodegradable ingredients that do not cause pollution to the environment. In contrast, chemicals in synthetic skincare products can accumulate and affect plants and animals in the environment.

Choosing Between Natural and Synthetic Skincare Products

Now that you’ve known what makes natural skincare products different from synthetic ones, would you rather choose the one that poses threats to your skin and the environment? I’m sure you won’t.

Natural skincare products are the best body care essentials. You can easily get the best natural skincare essentials by shopping from Organic Memories that sells 100% laboratory-tested top-quality products.


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